Your guide to checking out

Your guide to checking out

We’ve put together a handy guide to checking out before you leave your student accommodation and head off for the summer holidays. Most importantly your house must be left in the same condition you took it over in. How to check out of your student accommodation: Check...
How can I recycle more?

How can I recycle more?

Living in student accommodation brings numerous challenges. For many it can be the introduction into taking responsibility for household chores and the first chance to establish sustainable living to your routine. A quick and easy way to do this is by recycling. But...
What’s the deal with condensation?

What’s the deal with condensation?

Condensation and damp can be common problems in student accommodation, with multiple people living together often coming from family homes that are well insulated and heated. You may never have had to consider what condensation is before, let alone what you should do...
What’s the deal with healthy eating?

What’s the deal with healthy eating?

So that’s January done, who’s still going strong with their New Year Resolutions?  We’ve definitely faltered here … Healthy eating One of the most common promises is we will eat healthier and eat better.  It’s a great time at University to put this into practice. You...