What’s the deal with calculating rent?

Oct 10, 2022 | Money, What's the deal?

Calculating the monthly rent on your student home can be confusing. In order to clarify what you owe each month for rent use this simple formula:

Take your weekly rental amount, multiply it by the number of weeks in the term of your lease, and divide by the number of months in your lease.

For example

If your weekly rent is £105 and you’re on a 48 week contract (11 months) then this works out as below:

£105 per week x 48 weeks ÷ 11 months = £458.18 due on 1st of each month commencing 1st September

If your rent is different to £105 per week then you can use the same calculation but swap out the weekly rent figure, same with the length of the term.

Rent is paid to the bank details on your lease – make sure to double check this is correct.

If you are looking for a student house for next academic year then take a look at our available rental properties here.

If you have any queries about your rent or anything else then please contact us on 07791 248744 or email enquiries@glsh.co.uk. We are always on hand for support and guidance during your studies here.

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Got a question for us?

With over 10 years experience of housing students just like you in the private rental sector, we’ve seen it all. Do you need some help or advice? Drop us a line and we’ll be happy to help. Make the most of your student home. Join the family!