Loneliness at University – What to do?

Feb 20, 2022 | Mental health

University can be the best years of your life (not trying to be cheesy!), but adjusting to this new environment can feel daunting.  If you have come from a safe home environment surrounded by friends and family then starting over can be hard.  Loneliness at University can take you by surprise.

No one expects to feel lonely at University

And it can happen to anyone at any point in their journey.  New responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting and coping with new workloads and expectations can feel overwhelming.  Coupled with a host of new faces and being thrown into an environment with housemates you may not know, feelings of loneliness can easily creep in.

For some people the social side of University is the best part of the experience.  But if going out drinking and socialising with new people fills you with anxiety then it can make you feel isolated.  A lack of confidence in social situations could mean you are turning down invites and so a vicious cycle begins.  You don’t have to be an over the top party animal swinging from the chandeliers.  But there will be some social situations that can help alleviate these feelings.

How to help overcome feelings of loneliness at University:

Join a Club – There are many different clubs and societies offered through University.  Take a look at everything the University of Gloucestershire and Hartpury College have to offer.  From DJ’ing to paintballing, there is sure to be something that takes your fancy.  It might mean pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a little, but it will give you something to enjoy and focus on.  You could also join the gym or get a part time job – or get a job at the gym!

Build Connections – The fact that you have all chosen the same course means that there are sure to be some people in your lectures that have the same interests.  You already have something to talk about and something in common so it’s a great ice-breaker.  Take a deep breath and jump in next time you are all together.

Stay in Touch – As important as it is to create new friendship groups at Uni, it’s still important to keep in touch with loved ones at home.  This can really take the edge of any feelings of loneliness as you reconnect and keep up to date.  Sharing what you’ve been up to at University is a great way to remind yourself about the good times. 

Social Media – Facebook or WhatsApp groups can be a great way to connect and get to know people.  Without face to face contact some of the anxiety is removed.  When you do meet up there will already be loads to talk about.

However it’s important to remember that social media doesn’t always give a true reflection of people’s social life and friendships.  So take everything you see or read with a pinch of salt and never compare your experience to someone else’s.

Be kind to yourself – Do something that you enjoy such as exercise, watching tv or crafting.  You don’t have to be surrounded by others all the time.  Relax and enjoy yourself.  Take comfort in your own company but be open to new experiences and build a support network.

Don’t force yourself into situations that make you uncomfortable or feel guilty for saying no and concentrating on things that you do enjoy.

Take a look at our blog for more tips on starting Uni during a pandemic.  And remember, you won’t be the only one feeling like this – give it time and be kind to yourself.  The people you meet at University could be the friendships that last a lifetime.

Student Accommodation and Wellbeing

At Gloucester Student Houses, we are not just the place for finding student accommodation.  We really care about our students and their wellbeing.  For more help or advice contact us here at enquiries@glsh.co.uk  Or contact The Samaritans

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